As one of the UK’s leading specialist auto locksmiths, no job is too big or small for us. Lost car key, spare car key, repair car key, we got it covered; basically anything car key related is us. Also we offer advanced car diagnostic solutions along with ECU and Immobiliser work, if you are having an issue, just get in touch.
Lost car key replacement
Lost car key replacements for any make and model of vehicle at your location, by our highly skilled locksmiths, in our fully equipped mobile locksmith vans.
Remote programming
Car remote not working? We have the latest equipment to reprogram your key in the quickest time possible.
ECU& immobiliser work
For ECUs damaged from a wide range of issues, new control units can be programmed into most vehicles.
Car key repair
Damaged car keys that are not functioning correctly, battery replacement, missing switches or damaged cases can be reconditioned at a fraction of the cost of a replacement key. (All used batteries are recycled).
Advanced diagnostic solutions
From check engine lights to running issues, we can diagnose a wide range of faults and repair on site.
Spare car key
Vehicles purchased with one key or where the spare key has been lost, we can supply, cut and program spare car keys, remote keys, standard keys and keyless keys at KAP HQ.